Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mummoth Myspace Marketing-6

Step Four

Creating The Product.

While your profile is getting beefed up with friends, start planning the product for your charity auction. This won't be half as difficult as it sounds. What I did was create an e-book about stuff you can make at home for your cat. Things like homemade toys and recipes. I found all the information I needed on Google and spent about a week writing it.

Writing the e-book myself saved me money, but if you don't want to write your own e-book/report, go to a site like and have someone write one for you. Prices vary, but generally I would say $50 to $100. You can even pay someone say $20 just to do the research for you and then you can write the book/report from that.

Another shortcut would be to find a PLR (Private Label Rights) product. A great place to look is in the WSO section of the Warrior Forum. Make sure the rights allow selling via an auction site, but if not, try writing the author of the PLR product and explain what you are doing. He or she may change their mind.

Intro| Step 1| Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Promotion Tips | Other Ideas

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