Saturday, August 19, 2006

Auto-Responder with Gmail

When you are in vacation and you dont have mood or time or access to internet to check your incoming emails in your gmail account then just let people know you won't be able to get back to them right away. Use gmail auto-responding service to auto-respond them with your pre-written message.

You can set up a vacation response in your Gmail account that will automatically reply to anyone who emails you. When you make the vacation responder enable, Gmail will send a response to anyone who contacts you
( Except spam messages and messages from the authrity you've subscribed). If that person contacts you again after four days and your vacation responder is still enabled, Gmail will send another vacation response to remind the person that you're away from your email till that moment.

Here's how to let people know you can't respond right away:

  1. Log in to your Gmail account.
  2. Click 'Settings' along the top of any Gmail page.
  3. From the 'General' tab, select 'Vacation responder on' in the 'Vacation responder:' section.
  4. Enter the subject and body of your message in the 'Subject:' and 'Message:' fields.
    • If you've enabled a personalized signature in your account, Gmail will automatically append it to the bottom of your vacation response.
  5. Check the box next to 'Only send a response to people in my Contacts' if you don't want everyone who emails you to know that you're away from your mail.
  6. Click 'Save Changes.

While the vacation responder is enabled, you'll see a banner across the top of your Gmail account, displaying the subject of your vacation response. To stop Gmail from automatically sending the response, click 'end now' within the banner. Or, if you'd like to edit the response, click 'vacation settings.
You can edit your vacation gmai auto-responder message and it will be reflected instantly to anyone for new incoming messages.

Friday, August 18, 2006

4 millions Dell Laptops can explode

The batteries from more than 4 millions Laptops are being recalled by Dell in the latest of a series of scares that they could explode.
The world's largest Personal Computer manufacturer issued a global warning that the Sony-Manufactured lithiumion batteries could overheat and catch fire.The recall comes after video footage of a flamming Dell Laptop in Osaka, Japan was posted on the internet.
The problems with lithiumion batteries have not been restricted to Laptops. Scott Wolfson , of the US Consumer product safety commission , said that the agency knew of 339 incidents in which lithium ion batteries used in Laptops and mobile phones made by a range of manufacturer overheated and explode between 2003 and 2005.
Problems ranged from smoke and minor skin burns to more serious injuries and damage of properties.
Lithium ion batteries are lighter than their nickel metal hydride predecessors , because they enable more power to packed into a smaller space.Many of the batteries ,however use cobalt oxide , which can undergo
'Thermal runaway' ; it begins to heat itself , possibly untill it cartch fire , when it reaches a certain temperature.
The batteries are being usewd with Dell Latitude , Inspiron , XPS and Dell Precision Mobile Work station Laptop computers.
These recalls can cost Dell upto $157m ,excluding any lasting damage to the company's reputation.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Blog Optimization for search engine

These days everybody and his brother has a blog about anything possible.But it is just a flat idea to think that visitors will come from somewhere but actually from nowhere.So it is important to optimize a blog for search engine.Without search engine --no traffic. Blog optimization has somewhat extra procedures then regular website's
There are many different procedures of blog optimization , but here is what i recommend doing--

Blog Title:
If you have a blog about 'credit card'-include the word credit card on your blog tiltle.

Post title:
Try to use the keyword in your blog post title . But use the keyword at the beginning of your post title. Why?--
Ok , suppose i want to use the keyword 'Search engine optimization' in my blog post title. And i've written a blog post 'Google engineer Matt Cutts video on Search engine optimization '--but unfortunately my blog post
title will be indexed as ' Google-engineer-Matt-Cutts-video-on.html' .That means my original keyword was dropped ; so use your keyword within first six word of your blog post tilte.
It will be nice if you can use the Blog post title as 'Page title' . For example --The page title of this page --
--is 'Wired Gadget'--but blog post title is --

Get Your Windows Vista Beta For Free (2 CD)

Search engine will like to index it and will give higher rank if you can make your 'page title' & 'blog post title'
same but it is difficult if you are using 'blogspot hosted blog. But you can do it if you are using 'Movable Type' or 'Wordpress'.

For Movable Type:
<$MTEntryTitle$ <-title><$MTEntryTitle$><-/title>

For Wordpress:
<?php if (is_home () ) { bloginfo('name'); } elseif ( is_category() ) { single_cat_title(); echo " - "; bloginfo('name'); } elseif (is_single() || is_page() ) { single_post_title(); } elseif (is_search() ) { bloginfo('name'); echo " search results: "; echo wp_specialchars($s); } else { wp_title('',true); } ?>
<-title><-?php if (is_home () ) { bloginfo('name'); } elseif ( is_category() ) { single_cat_title(); echo " - "; bloginfo('name'); } elseif (is_single() || is_page() ) { single_post_title(); } elseif (is_search() ) { bloginfo('name'); echo " search results: "; echo wp_specialchars($s); } else { wp_title('',true); } ?> <-/title>

[Remove the - before title & php tag]

URL structure:
A short url is always easily crawlable. Instead of having a you can have will be nice.

Submit your sitemap to google sitemap . You can use google sitemap tool to create a sitemap of your blog here-- google sitemap tool.

Link to other related site. That means if you have a blog about credit card --use google blog search--to find blogs about your subject.You'll probably get the bloggers email on profile page.Mail to them asking for link exchange.
Here is a good list of 97 blog directory to submit your blog-submit to this list of blog directory.
There are many search engine friendly free web directories where you can submit your blog .
Here is such a list--List of SEO friendly web directory

Ping through . It is better than pingomatic.

Meta Description:
Search engines usually see your content as duplicate. Granted it usually is not duplicate content,that is why you need a unique meta description tag on each of your post.

For Blogger:
You'll get this tag on template.Edit it.

Movable Type:
<-meta name="description" content="<$MTEntryBody words="25"$> ..." />

If you use WordPress download the head meta description plugin. Set it at 15 to 25 words. Somewhere within this range is usually fine.

Hope this post will help you little bit to your blog optimization for search engine.

Get Your Windows Vista Beta For Free (2 CD)

Thank you for taking out time to test your knowledge on Microsoft Windows Vista. Answer the following simple questions and get your copy of Windows Vista Beta 2 CD.

I am not saying that. Microsoft India has devloped (on beta phase) a new Operating System called windows Vista. And now,they are giving it away for free if you can answer some stupid question!
Before that i am going to answer all the quiz. The answers are--

3.November 2006
Hope you'll get the 2 CDs of Windows Vista.Get the quiz here--Windows Vista quiz.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Blogger Template series

The following templates are free to use provided you dont violate the copyright of the templates. Dont Remove the [© 2006 Wired Gadget] line at the bottom of the template.

[The template of this blog is devloped from Minima_blue_extended--the below one--If you need the template Download it here]