Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 2

Opt In List Building.

Just as the title indicates, these services allow you to build your own mailing list. List building networks are based on a multi-level matrix anywhere from 7 levels deep to infinity. It's based on the same concept of M-L-M.

While I don't recommend using Viral Traffic Exchanges as your only promotion strategy, it is a great way to generate 100% free traffic over time.

The key to success with these multi-level traffic generators is to get other people (your downline) to promote for you. You do that by helping them succeed.

Here's an example. If you get 10 people to sign up with Your Lucky List, your hope is that each of them will sign up 10. Now you have 100 people in your downline. And if each of those hundred sign up 10, you have 1000 in your downline.

That's in a perfect world. But it doesn't usually work that way. Most people won't take action and promote it. So you don't build a downline and your traffic is minimal (at best).

So the big secret in any MLM is to train your front line to promote and encourage them to do the same for their front line. You multiply your efforts by training others to build your downline for you.

Once you get a few people on your list, you can send your email ad to everyone in your downline (usually once a week). Your downline can not send messages to you. But you agree to receive email from everyone in your upline.

You can filter these emails into the trash, but I don't. Instead, I filter them into a folder to look at later. Why? Because they contain ads that I may want to use in my own advertising. And sometimes I find good offers on products to buy and sell.

Here are the best list builders online:

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