One fantastic way of making money from blogs consists of effectively using paid blogging networks.
Advertiser will pay you for blogging [usually indifferent review with pictures of the product] about their product and now it is one of the best revenue sharing model in the internet.
Here are some side notes to consider- you have to apply each paid blogging site for authorization and they will review your blog and will authorize you. The process usually takes 3 to 10 days. Some advertisers and paid blogging sites consider blogs with minimum age of 3 months. Size of the blog , quality of the contents and look of the blog as well as other factors like traffic and page rank is also some concerns.
After your blog is approved, go through their marketplace (if they have one) or just wait for blogging offers to arrive at your email inbox or site dashboard.
When you decide to take up a specific offer, write a blog post according to the instructions given. Publish the post and inform the blog network of the page URL. This is usually done through a user interface after you’ve logged into the network.
After your post is approved, you’ll receive payment according to the stipulated time frame. You can earn around $5 to $500+ for one single blog post, depending on the popularity, size and niche of your blog.
I've listed some most popular and bigger network of Get Paid To Blog sites--
1. Pay Per Post
The Largest and Best sponsored blogging network.
2. ReviewMe
Usually larger and established blog with higher feed subscriber and high Alexa rank are making great amount of money from Review me. Blogger earn usually $100 to $500+ for a single Blog post.
3. Sponsored Review
Blogger can earn $10 to $500 for a single post. Where sponsored review site will take 35% commission.
4. BlogsVertise
In other paid blogging network you can browse the marketplace to grab an offer but in Blogsvertise only Admin will contact you if your blog profile match with an offer.
5. Blogitive
Pay weekly via paypal. You'll earn fix $5 for each blog post.Recommended as well.
6. LoudLaunch
Pay via paypal. Your blog should be of minimum 2 months old. Medium size paid blog network.
7. BloggerWave
Pay via paypal. Based on Norway. Pay monthly. $10 for a blog post.
8. Smorty
Pay weekly via paypal. $6 for every blog post.
9. PayU2Blog
No marketplace. They will determine what assignment you'll receive. Pay bi weekly via paypal.
10. BloggingAds
Pay weekly via paypal. $5 for every post.
11. Creamaid
It is widget based revenue sharing model paid blogging network.Maximum you can earn $5 for a blog post.Pay via paypal.
12. V7N Contextual
Contextual link based paid blog platform.You'll earn $10/Link.Very week earning potential due to lack of advertisers.
13. Linkworth
Pay via paypal. Contextual Link and Ad network like Adsense+contera. Publisher earn 70% of the revenue.
14. BlogToProfit
Many say they are dead of late. Yet you can try to register.
15. Dewitt Media
Need Google PR3 blog to participate. Contextual link and Ad based network. Pay $10 for every post.
In my next post i'll discuss about 'Get Paid For Taking Survey' sites and hopefully i'll give you a large list of 'Get Paid To Take Survey Sites'.
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