Hello friends ,sorry for long interval .Actually i was busy with preparing a free course for new bloggers to ensure their blogging success and i've devloped a free 6 week course for them.
Week 1
During the first session you will learn Blogging Basics; including what a blog is, why you need to start blogging as soon as possible and the videos will show you exactly how to do just that!
| How to find a hungry market perfectly fit for a blog - this is KEY to getting traffic immediately. |
| Using a 100% FREE platform to blog (the other ones are horrible and useless)! |
| The Number 1 reason NOT to use Blogger.com |
| Installing your blog in less than 3 minutes - even for complete newbies! |
| Quickly making your blog absolutely beautiful with minor tweaks. |
| The THREE magic words that are 80% responsible for whether your blog succeeds or not. |
Never suffer from writer's block! I'll present you with a fist-full of ways to generate a constant flow of fresh ideas for your blog's content.
| The most important element to in your post for search engines. |
| Should a post be 100, 250, 500 or 1000 words long? Does it matter? (Hint... Yes it does) |
| How often should you post to your blog? |
| Quickly uploading pictures to your blog with a few clicks of the mouse... |
| Adding great video content without ever filming a thing! |
| A feature that lets the world know you've made a new post - without you lifting a finger. |
| How to generate THOUSANDS of backlinks without ever requesting a single link! |
Week 3
This week we talk about the best ways to MONETIZE your blog! What good is to have a great blog with lots of traffic if you don't know how to make money from that blog! Listen in as we discuss the strategies we use. Also, watch this blog and begins to add monetization to LIVE example blog!
| The tactics to use if you are marketing your own products. |
| The top 3 ways to immediately begin monetizing your blog! |
| NO! Adsense is NOT your only choice, there are many great (in many cases, better) alternatives. |
| How to write your posts to get the MAXIMUM click-throughs! |
| The best places to be placing your ads. |
| Should you use multiple ads or just 1 main ad? |
Week 4
This might be one of the most powerful weeks out of the entire 6 weeks. I am going to go over an abundance of traffic generation ideas that we have used, continue to use and are easy to duplicate!
| At least 8 ways to bring FREE traffic to your blog. |
| The 1 technique that can bring traffic to your blog the DAY you launch - FREE. |
| Marketing your blog through someone else's blog! |
| How to use VIDEOS to market your blog. |
| The "magical" directories that your blog MUST be listed in. |
| The best "PAID" source of traffic that money can buy. |
Learn how to sell to the same visitor over and over. One of the most missed strategies online is how to optimize your CURRENT visitors - instead of always trying to get NEW visitors, how about getting current ones to come back over and over!
This week we talk about the top strategies to generate loyalty amongst your readers and to get them to buy from you over and over (and refer your blog to everyone they know)!
| The #1 strategy to use to get recurring visitors EACH time you make a post - Automatically! |
| What's a "blogroll" and how can it attract targeted visitors from other's blogs to your blog. |
| The 1 plug-in that will allow you to get your blog on people's Yahoo and Google Home pages! |
| Exactly how to know how many readers are "subscribed" to your blog... |
| The FREE service you can use to help make it easier for others to follow your blog in multiple ways. |
Week 6
Listen in as I summarize the 6 weeks and put it all together for you. I'm going to monitor the blog posts and answer any questions that seem to be coming up over and over.
More specifically, I'm going to also cover these general topics:
| Developing blogging into an actual BUSINESS model |
| How to run and manage multiple niche blogs... |
| The importance of RSS syndication and why you need to focus on that! |
| More important information to help you stay on top of the one strategy I uses to get traffic the day I launched. |
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