The world's largest Personal Computer manufacturer issued a global warning that the Sony-Manufactured lithiumion batteries could overheat and catch fire.The recall comes after video footage of a flamming Dell Laptop in Osaka, Japan was posted on the internet.
The problems with lithiumion batteries have not been restricted to Laptops. Scott Wolfson , of the US Consumer product safety commission , said that the agency knew of 339 incidents in which lithium ion batteries used in Laptops and mobile phones made by a range of manufacturer overheated and explode between 2003 and 2005.
Problems ranged from smoke and minor skin burns to more serious injuries and damage of properties.
Lithium ion batteries are lighter than their nickel metal hydride predecessors , because they enable more power to packed into a smaller space.Many of the batteries ,however use cobalt oxide , which can undergo
'Thermal runaway' ; it begins to heat itself , possibly untill it cartch fire , when it reaches a certain temperature.
The batteries are being usewd with Dell Latitude , Inspiron , XPS and Dell Precision Mobile Work station Laptop computers.
These recalls can cost Dell upto $157m ,excluding any lasting damage to the company's reputation.

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