Sunday, December 10, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 9
Ezine Advertising.
The fastest and easiest way to get traffic is to tap into other people's lists. An ezine (electronic magazine) is much like a traditional magazine or newsletter...only it's delivered via email.
If you're on a tight budget or want to get started quickly without a website or a list of your own, then ezine advertising should be your number one choice.
Three reasons why ezine advertising is the perfect solution for beginners who want to get into profit fast:
1. It's highly targeted. People subscribe to ezines to receive information about specific topics. You just need to find ezines that cover topics related to the product your are promoting.
2. It's cost effective. You can find ezines that sell solo ads for as little as $20.
3. It's a quick way to get traffic. You can place an ad tomorrow and see profits by the end of the week.
Ezine Advertising is the number one choice of experienced marketers for driving laser-targeted traffic to their websites. If you do your research and select the best ezines for the product you promote, you can expect response rate of 20-30% or more.
What Is An Ezine?
An ezine is similar to a printed magazine except that it's delivered electronically via email. And instead of purchasing an ezine, people sign to receive it for free or a monthly subscription fee. Most ezines are published weekly, but some are published daily, monthly or bi-monthly.
Here are a few ezine coops to get you started:
Types of Ezine Ads
Classified Ads: the cheapest and the least effective ads you can buy. Classified ads are limited to two or three lines and placed at the end of the ezine. Some ezines even give away free classifieds as an incentive to subscribe. Unless you place a classified ad in an ezine with 30,000 subscribers or more, your chances of getting a response are very small.
Sponsor Ads: these are more expensive than classified ads, but will give you a much better response. Sponsor ads can be placed at the top, middle or bottom of an ezine issue. You can include more text in a sponsor ad so it's a good way to test your copy before going all out on a solo ad.
Solo Ads: this is the king of all ads because your offer is sent exclusively to everyone on the mailing list and gets full attention of the subscribers. No articles or other content is included. Solo ads can be expensive, but they can increase your response by as much a 100% over sponsor ads. You can usually expect a 20% - 30% response rate from a good solo ad. In other words, if you purchase a solo ad for $100 in an ezine with 5,000 subscribers, you should expect about 1,000 highly targeted visitors.
Note: Solo ads can be purchased for as little as $10. You will get a much better response from a $10 solo ad sent to 500 subscribers than you will from a $10 classified ad sent to 5,000.
Here's your step-by-step guide to successful ezine advertising.
Step One: Subscribe to 3 or More Ezines
Subscribe to ezines that offer top sponsor and solo ads within your budget. Subscribing to ezines before you place your ads will allow you to determine the quality of the list and potential profitability of your campaign before you spend any money. You can also make sure your ad goes out.
Tip: set up a specific email address for your subscriptions and filter them into a specific folder in your mail program for easy access. In Outlook Express, select Tools, Message Rules, Mail. Click New. Apply this rule after the message arrives Where the To line contains '' Move it to the ‘Ezines' folder.
You can find a wide variety of ezines in these directories:
If you're a Gold Member, you can find a database of ezines here.
Step Two: Contact the Advertisers
The surest way to maximize your results from any ezine is to ask people who have already advertised. Take a few minutes to contact one or more people who have placed ads similar to the one you want to place. Tell them you're new to ezine advertising and are afraid of losing money. Most people will be glad to help you out. And if they had a bad experience, they'll definitely let you know.
In addition, if you see the same ad running multiple times, that's a good indication that it was profitable. Smart marketers will run the same ad at least three times if the first one was successful.
Here's an example:
Subject: {!firstname}, about your ad in [Ezine Name]
Hi {!firstname},
I'm just getting started on the Internet and I
was hoping you could help me out.
I noticed your ad in Action Marketing News and
was wondering what kind of response you got.
I'm on a tight budget and don't want to lose money
my first time out.
I appreciate your help.
[Your Name]
Step Three: Contact the Ezine Publisher
Contact the publisher to find out if anyone has else has purchased an ad within the last month for the same product you want to promote. This is critical because you don't want to advertise the same product to people who may have already purchased.
Here are some additional questions to ask (if they are not stated on the website):
Can I personalize the subject line?
Can I personalize the message?
What are the personalization codes?
How often to you publish?
When is your next opening?
What is the maximum word count?
Step Four: Set Up an Ad Tracker
You will want to create a tracker for each ezine. The system will create a link for you to use and it will track your visitors and commissions just like your regular affiliate link.
Never pay for adverting unless you can track the response. You need to know how many visitors and sales you get for each ad you place so you can determine whether or not you want to run another ad in a particular ezine.
This information is critical for determining how well each ad campaign does and how well you're converting visitors into sales. Sometimes you just need to tweak your ad copy and run the ad again for better results.
If you get good results the first time, run your ad again in a week or two. Not everyone will buy the first time around. And many who were "on the fence" the first time they saw your ad, may purchase the second time around.
Step Five: Write Your Ad
Most affiliate programs provide pre-written ads for you to use – don't use them! Well at least not word for word. Make them unique and you'll get much better results.
Here are some suggestions for writing ads:
Add a personal endorsement. With all the hype online, people are more likely to read and click on something that you personally recommend.
Use a section from the sales letter or a testimonial for the product you are promoting. That's an easy way to get content for a good solo ad.
Use other people's ads. One of the bests ways to come up with ideas for good ads is to read ezines. Look for ads that catch your eye. Modify them to fit the product you're promoting and add your own personal touch.
Step Six: Place Your Order
This is the easy part. You simply fill out a form with your ad copy and credit card information. After you process the order. You will receive a confirmation telling you when the ad will run. And since you are already subscribed to the ezine, you can verify it yourself. Don't rely on them to send you a "courtesy copy."
Step Seven: Put Half Your Profits Back Into Advertising
Okay, sounds simple enough. But where do you put the extra profit? That's why you track your ads. So you can make an informed decision and maximize your profits.
Let's say you place your ad for Affiliate Cash Secrets in three ezines as I suggested and they yield the following results:
| Response | Subscribers | Ad Cost | Profit |
Ezine #1: | 20% | 1000 | $100 | $120 |
Ezine #2: | 30% | 1000 | $100 | $230 |
Ezine #3: | 30% | 1000 | $100 | $340 |
Total: | - | 3000 | $300 | $690 |
All three ads were profitable. The response rate and conversion were close. But Ezine #3 brought the most cash. So if you were going to put half your profits back into advertising, where would you put it?
Let's say you are going to put $400 into advertising this time... Take two hundred and invest it back into the successful ezines and invest the other two hundred into two new ezines. And then multiply your profits from there.
You could buy two more solo ads in ezine #3 or you could place a different ad in ezine #2 to see if it pulls better. But you're probably not going to waste too much time with ezine #1 (although I wouldn't discount it because it did produce a profit).
The profit potential of this method is incredible. Once you tap into the strategy and see it working you'll see exactly what I mean. And until you do, you'll have a hard time understanding why I get so fired up about it :o).
Note: it can take up to two weeks (or longer) to get into some ezines. So it's important to get your spot as soon as possible.Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 8
PPC or Pay Per Click Traffic From Search Engines.
You can literally start receiving traffic within 15 minutes of setting up your ad campaign at pay-per-click services like Google AdWords…and you can get started for just $5.00.
Pay per click is a simple concept: you write little ads to display on search engine results for specific keywords that you select. If you bid high enough, your ad will appear on the first page of the results. And since it's a bidding system, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
To get started, you need to sign up at Google has comprehensive tutorials and keyword search tools to get you up and running fast.
Although AdWords is the quickest way to get traffic from pay-per-click advertising, it is also the most expensive for keyword bids.
You may want to start with some 'lite' PPC advertising at the following search services:
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 7
Blogging To Attract Targetted Traffic
If you want to generate consistent, long-term traffic and sales, you need to start blogging. It takes time to build a blog. But if you do a little each day, you'll profit in the long run.
The first thing you want to do is go to and create a blog. You're going to post content in your blog so it gets picked up by search engines. is owned by Google. So everything you post gets into the Google Search engine eventually. You're also going to use Ping-O-Matic to notify all the blog services about your posts so you get into other search engines like Yahoo! and MSN.
Next, you need to get some articles up so you can get an Adsense account and make a little money with that too. You need some content in your blog before you can display Adsense ads and affiliate links.
You can write your own articles (if you have time), have a freelance writer do it, or you can get free articles at
Setting Up Your Blog
Just go to and create a new blog. You'll want to create a new blog for every product you promote. I recommend you start with Affiliate Cash Secrets for your first promotion because the affiliate program pays up to 75% commission monthly.
Once you create your blog, go to Settings. Under the Basic tab, add a description of your blog. The title can just be "Affiliate Cash Secrets." I put "Building Your Automatic Money Machine" for the description. But you can enter whatever you want.
I also set Show Email Posts to NO. I don't want any distractions in my blog. No external links, etc. My visitors are there to do one thing of two things: click on an affiliate link or an Adsense ad.
Next click the Formatting tab. Select "Show 1 Post on the main page." I only want one article on each page because that gives the reader a stopping point where they come to my resource box and click through to my site.
Post template - here's where you can add your resource box to appear on each page. It will not update your entire blog. But it will appear in the HTML editor every time you make a post.
Now click the Comments tab.
Default - new posts do NOT have comments. Again, you don't want any distractions on your site. This isn't a "fun blog," it's a "money blog."
Finally, click the Template tab. If you want a different template, click "Pick New." Google has a ton of tutorials on how to edit your template so I won't cover that here. But you'll notice on my blog that I changed my Links and put the Adsense ads on the side bar.
When you're finished posting, go to and enter your blog name and URL. This will notify all the search engines that your blog has been updated. Only ping when you have added new content or made significant changes to your blog.
I would add about 10 pages to start. Then add 3-5 pages a day. After 3 months at 5 pages a day, you will have 450 pages listed in the search engines. That could easily generate a few hundred visitors a day to your blog.
Back Links from sites with a PR (page rank) of 5 or more will significantly increase your search engine rankings. And you'll get crawled faster too. You can see the page rank of any site by installing the Google Toolbar at
To get free back links, you'll need to submit your original articles to these directories. You can use articles from the directories below as examples to write your own. Just make sure the end result is original content. And if your article is good, it may get reprinted by thousands of publishers.
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 6
Article Marketing
If you're serious about making money online, article marketing should be one of your main promotion strategies. It's a great way to build a consistent flow of traffic.
Here's how it works:
Each week, you write at least one article about the product you are promoting. It doesn't have to be long 250 - 350 words is ample. If you make it too long, your reader may never get to your resource box.
If you are promoting Affiliate Cash Secrets, you could write articles about affiliate marketing and promotion. For example, "10 Ways to Profits from Affiliate Marketing" or "7 Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success."
Whatever you write about, just make sure it doesn't read like a sales letter. Your articles should be purely informative.
How You Get Traffic from Your Articles
First, you should submit your articles to all the popular article directories. When webmasters and ezine publishers look for free content to reprint on their websites and in their newsletters, they turn to article directories.
In exchange for the free content, they agree to leave the article intact and include your resource box. This is where you get your traffic. Every time someone reprints one of your articles, your resource box is included with your name and a link to your site or an affiliate site.
You should start with 10 articles. That will get you started as an expert author at, the number one article directory on the Internet. alone gets about 40,000 visitors every day, so your articles are very likely to be picked up and reprinted by several publishers.
Here are the top places to submit your articles:
You can find more directories by searching on Google. But I highly recommend you start with the list above.
But Satyajit, what if I can't write?
If you can't write or simply don't have the time, you can hire a ghost writer at In fact, I use ghost writers when I don't have time to do it myself.
Ghost writers will typically charge around $5 per 400-word article. So if you want 100 good articles, it's gonna cost you $500.
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 5
Forum Marketing
Forum marketing is definitely one of the most effective forms of free advertising. If you've got time on your hands, but no money to advertise, this should be part of your daily routine.
Forums are free advertising sources and if you spend an hour a day posting in multiple forums you will capture leads and you will make sales -- for any product you promote.
The concept is simple. You act as if you are not selling anything (which in fact, you are not!) All you are doing is interacting with people that match the product you are promoting and are therefore likely to buy it if they look at the offer. Your offer is appended to your signature automatically in every post you make.
The job is simply to have fun! That's it! Really there are no catches here, no strange angles. The only thing you can't do is talk openly about the product you are promoting because it just doesn't work.
Here are five approaches to successful forum marketing:
1. Answer questions. If you're an expert on the topic, you can easily help people who ask questions in the forum.
2. Ask a question. If you're not an expert on the topic (i.e. affiliate marketing) there must be a lot of things you want to know. This is a quick and legitimate way to add a lot of posts to any forum.
3. Ask for a critique. Say you write an article and post it in your blog. Make a quick post to ask what people think. You'll not only get exposure for your signature. You'll also get a good back link to your blog.
4. Ask for an opinion. If you come across a product or service and want to research it first. Forums are a great place to find out. For instance, you could make a post that says, "Has anyone had any experience with this product...?" It's that simple. Just go to ClickBank and ask about every product in the marketplace!
5. Offer an article. You wrote an article, published it to your blog, and asked for a critique in the forums. Now go back and make a post offering your article for publication with the condition that they leave your resource box intact.
To get started, visit one of the high-traffic forums below and sign up for an account.
- - Affiliate Marketing Forum
- - the #1 Affiliate Hangout
- Internet Based Moms - Forum for Work-at-home Moms
- Money Maker Group - Forum About Making Money
- Work at Home - Work at Home Business Forum
Next, log in and update your Profile. This is where you can add your signature which will appear at the end of every post you make.
Read the rules about posting. Basically, you either ask specific and relevant questions or you answer questions by replying to posts that other Warrior members make.
Start by looking at what others are posting and how people are replying to those posts. Once you get a feel for it, post as much and as often as you can. Never advertise in your posts (except where permitted). Let your signature do the work for you.
And don't forget to use a tracking link so you know where your sales are coming from...
You can get a surprisingly large amount of sales from affiliate links that were posted in forums on discussions about the programs you promote. You should say something positive about the product and then ask if anyone has heard of it.
There are a lot of newbies posting in forums who are desperately seeking direction to help them start making money online. Whenever you see a post like that, reply and say, "Hey - Check out this site..." and explain how it really helped you.
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 4
Targetted Traffic Exchange.
An easy way to get free traffic is through exchanges. You just have to enter your websites URL or affiliate link and it will be displayed in rotation with other members of the traffic exchange. You can also get traffic credits for referring other people.
These are the best traffic exchange services to use:
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 3
Quality Internet Classified Ads.
Internet classified ads are just like the classified ads that are in your local newspaper. The only difference is that they are on the Internet.
Most of the free classified ads are junk and never get read. Look for sites that are well organized and up to date. In most cases, paid ads will produce better results. However, I will recommend Mike Filsaime's Free Advertising Blog because his website gets a ton of traffic and You can post your ad every day.
Remember, any classified ad you place is a teaser. Your only goal is to get people to click on your link. So write short, compelling ads similar to those you see on Google. See 'Part 2' for details on writing good ads.
Here are some classified ad companies to start with:
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 2
Opt In List Building.
Just as the title indicates, these services allow you to build your own mailing list. List building networks are based on a multi-level matrix anywhere from 7 levels deep to infinity. It's based on the same concept of M-L-M.
While I don't recommend using Viral Traffic Exchanges as your only promotion strategy, it is a great way to generate 100% free traffic over time.
The key to success with these multi-level traffic generators is to get other people (your downline) to promote for you. You do that by helping them succeed.
Here's an example. If you get 10 people to sign up with Your Lucky List, your hope is that each of them will sign up 10. Now you have 100 people in your downline. And if each of those hundred sign up 10, you have 1000 in your downline.
That's in a perfect world. But it doesn't usually work that way. Most people won't take action and promote it. So you don't build a downline and your traffic is minimal (at best).
So the big secret in any MLM is to train your front line to promote and encourage them to do the same for their front line. You multiply your efforts by training others to build your downline for you.
Once you get a few people on your list, you can send your email ad to everyone in your downline (usually once a week). Your downline can not send messages to you. But you agree to receive email from everyone in your upline.
You can filter these emails into the trash, but I don't. Instead, I filter them into a folder to look at later. Why? Because they contain ads that I may want to use in my own advertising. And sometimes I find good offers on products to buy and sell.
Here are the best list builders online:
Increase Web Site Traffic - Part 1
Traffic. When it comes down to can have the best product to promote and a relentless follow-up system...but if you can't generate traffic, you won't make any sales.
Once you learn to generate quality, targeted traffic, you can promote anything you want and know that you will turn a profit.
Important: don't waste your time on hyped-up traffic scams that don't work. These tactics are a waste of your time and money. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. The sole purpose of these sites is to collect YOUR email address and sell you products.
Think about, if a business can generate so much traffic, why would they give it to you for free? And if it were so profitable to blast your ad to 5 million people, why only charge 20 bucks?
Here are some free traffic tactics to avoid like the plague:
- Auto-Surf Programs
- Guaranteed Hits
- Safe Lists
- Ad Blasters
- Search Engine Blasters
- FFA Sites and Link Farms
That said, there are several free traffic strategies that do work and we'll get to those in the next few steps.
How to Write Effective Ads.
Are you familiar with AIDA? It's an acronym that stands for: Attention, Desire, Interest, Action.
This is a tried and true copywriting technique you should always refer to when you write any advertisement.
- Get the readers Attention with with a captivating headline. Your ad is going to be next to many others, so you need to stand out in the crowed.
- Maintain their Interest with benefits that support the claims made in the headline. Let them know what you're offering.
- Create Desire by telling them what they they'll get if they take action right now. People want to know, "What's in it for me."
- Give them an obvious call to Action. Click the link below... Sign up now... Hurry before it's too late...Don't miss your chance to... etc.
Creating Unique Ads
Most affiliate programs provide pre-written ads for you to use – don't use them! Well at least not word for word. Make them unique and you'll get much better results.
- Add a personal endorsement. With all the hype online, people are more likely to read and click on something that you personally recommend.
- Re-write a section from the sales letter or use a testimonial for the product you are promoting. That's an easy way to get content for a good solo ad.
- Use other people's ads. One of the bests ways to come up with ideas for good ads is to read ezines. Look for ads that catch your eye. Modify them to fit the product you're promoting and add your own personal touch.
Always Track Your Ads
Use the ad tracking software included with your membership to track visitors, sales, conversion rates, and net profit fro every ad you place. Track everything - even free marketing. Nothing is free if it takes up your time and does not produce results.
This information is critical for determining how well each ad campaign does and how well you're converting visitors into sales. Sometimes you just need to tweak your ad copy and run the ad again for better results.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Webhosting Coupon Dreamhost [$97 the biggest]
The best way to use this coupon is to order a L1 account (specs down the page) paid yearly . The 1 year hosting price will be $119.40 but if you apply this dreamhost coupon you will have to pay just $22.4 for the entire year (and you still get a free domain)
The L1 Plan features:
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Check them out , you get a very fair deal using this coupon (you can test them on a very low price - I bet you will love them)
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older namecheap coupons (might not be available anymore):
Check this Digital Point Thread (that's where we got these namecheap coupons from) to see if new domain coupons are available.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
$205+ Unlimited Google Adwords Credit
Marketing Easy - this blog will show you how to get unlimited adwords credit - that means free Google Adwords vouchers for new account.
No This is not like creating multiple adwords accounts with multiple emails only to get free adwords credit and then get banned by Google.
You can get atleast $205 to $305 adwords credit ethically within 10 mins without violating the Google's TOS.
These credits offers are from google only to new adwords account or account not older than 14 days.
These credits are unlimited and never expired.
You can use it again and again without violating the TOS of google adwords - it'll show you how to do it.
Peoples only from United States, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Korea, and Israel are eligible for these Google Adwords credits.
Visit the blog here- Marketing Easy.
The Number 1 reason NOT to use
Yes that is amazingly true.
It is possible only if you can and then ping.
I'll describe later how to do it .
But on blogger blog you cant add the tag and ping them.
Moreover there are hundreds of plug-ins which are very useful to a wordpress blogger to promote the blog and make it more beautiful.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Using a 100% FREE platform to blog
If you don't currently have a blog then you can set up a free blog at I personally use Wordpress because it has a bunch of "plug-ins" that can be added for the purpose of tagging and pinging.
You can download Wordpress for free from Follow their installation instructions to get it set up on your server. If you have cPanel on your hosting account, you can quickly install a Wordpress blog using Fantastico.
If you’ve never installed Wordpress before and you’d like to but maybe you’re a little scared of installing it (ssh! I won’t tell!) I’ve created a visual tutorial in Flash which explains the steps involved. If you find it useful, please let me know here.
To view the tutorial, view it here.
Hope you'll like it.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
How to find a hungry market perfectly fit for a blog-2
It is alaways a good idea to name your blog with the keyword of your topic. For example if you are thinking about starting a blog with a name like .
'Wired' & 'Gadget' are two frequent search on google and so i named my blog
For instance, let's say you decide to promote an auto auction weblog. The first thing you want to do is read the website from start to finish, jotting down relevant words prospective customers could use when searching for that particular website. After reading the website you will probably come up with keywords such as this:
* Auto Auction
* Online Car Auction
* Repo Auction
After writing down some relevant terms from the weblog you will be promoting, you need to do some research and find many other relevant terms - 20 to 30 terms per site is a good starting point. The following tools will make finding relevant keywords a breeze!
Overture Keyword Assistant
Type a keyword in this tool and Overture will give you all the possible combinations of that keyword and how many times each word was searched last month. This is helpful in finding out how popular each term is at the present time. (see Fig2 below)
7Search Keyword Suggestion Tool
Type a keyword in this tool and 7Search will give you all the possible combinations of that keyword, how many times each word was searched last month, and the bid amount. (see Fig3 below)
So name your blog with a keyword of your choosed topic.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
How to find a hungry market perfectly fit for a blog-1
If we know what people are searching in a bigger volume and you know something about any of their search then it will be better to start a blog on that subject.
Finding the right niche to promote on the internet is fairly easy these days with all the free tools at your disposal. Obviously you want to market exceptional products in a hot market, but just how do you do that? Easy! Follow the steps below to find what's in and what's not on any given day.
Google Zeitgeist:
For both breaking news and obscure information alike, people around the world search Google. This flurry of searches often exposes interesting trends, patterns, and surprises. The Google Zeitgeist page is regularly updated to reflect tidbits of information related to the search behavior of Google users. (see Fig1 Below)
Click Here To Enter Google Zeitgeist!
Lycos 50:
A weekly report of the top 50 searches done on Lycos. The Lycos 50 lists the people, places and things which are most on the public mind as reflected by Lycos user searches over the past week. The Lycos 50 list is updated once per week. The new list comes out every Tuesday at 6:00 am Eastern time. The daily reports are released Monday through Friday mornings at the same time. (see Fig2 below)
Jeeves IQ:
Most popular search terms based on the millions of queries asked on Ask Jeeves each day - from consumer trends to breaking news, the report provides valuable insight into consumer needs, habits, trends and interests. (see Fig3 below)
Click Here To Enter Jeeves IQ!
Yahoo! Buzz Index:
The Yahoo! Buzz Index is published Tuesday through Saturday. All the rankings on the Yahoo! Buzz Index -- both movers and leaders -- are updated each weekday and reflect the traffic from two days earlier. For example, Wednesday's Buzz Index reflects Monday's searches and clicks. (Twenty-four hours are required to process data and verify results.) The data is collected from Yahoo! search log files. The Yahoo! Buzz Index counts the total number of people searching for specific subjects. Individual users and their searches remain completely anonymous. (see Fig4 below)
Monday, October 23, 2006
Blog Class Room Series
Hello friends ,sorry for long interval .Actually i was busy with preparing a free course for new bloggers to ensure their blogging success and i've devloped a free 6 week course for them.
Week 1
During the first session you will learn Blogging Basics; including what a blog is, why you need to start blogging as soon as possible and the videos will show you exactly how to do just that!
| How to find a hungry market perfectly fit for a blog - this is KEY to getting traffic immediately. |
| Using a 100% FREE platform to blog (the other ones are horrible and useless)! |
| The Number 1 reason NOT to use |
| Installing your blog in less than 3 minutes - even for complete newbies! |
| Quickly making your blog absolutely beautiful with minor tweaks. |
| The THREE magic words that are 80% responsible for whether your blog succeeds or not. |
Never suffer from writer's block! I'll present you with a fist-full of ways to generate a constant flow of fresh ideas for your blog's content.
| The most important element to in your post for search engines. |
| Should a post be 100, 250, 500 or 1000 words long? Does it matter? (Hint... Yes it does) |
| How often should you post to your blog? |
| Quickly uploading pictures to your blog with a few clicks of the mouse... |
| Adding great video content without ever filming a thing! |
| A feature that lets the world know you've made a new post - without you lifting a finger. |
| How to generate THOUSANDS of backlinks without ever requesting a single link! |
Week 3
This week we talk about the best ways to MONETIZE your blog! What good is to have a great blog with lots of traffic if you don't know how to make money from that blog! Listen in as we discuss the strategies we use. Also, watch this blog and begins to add monetization to LIVE example blog!
| The tactics to use if you are marketing your own products. |
| The top 3 ways to immediately begin monetizing your blog! |
| NO! Adsense is NOT your only choice, there are many great (in many cases, better) alternatives. |
| How to write your posts to get the MAXIMUM click-throughs! |
| The best places to be placing your ads. |
| Should you use multiple ads or just 1 main ad? |
Week 4
This might be one of the most powerful weeks out of the entire 6 weeks. I am going to go over an abundance of traffic generation ideas that we have used, continue to use and are easy to duplicate!
| At least 8 ways to bring FREE traffic to your blog. |
| The 1 technique that can bring traffic to your blog the DAY you launch - FREE. |
| Marketing your blog through someone else's blog! |
| How to use VIDEOS to market your blog. |
| The "magical" directories that your blog MUST be listed in. |
| The best "PAID" source of traffic that money can buy. |
Learn how to sell to the same visitor over and over. One of the most missed strategies online is how to optimize your CURRENT visitors - instead of always trying to get NEW visitors, how about getting current ones to come back over and over!
This week we talk about the top strategies to generate loyalty amongst your readers and to get them to buy from you over and over (and refer your blog to everyone they know)!
| The #1 strategy to use to get recurring visitors EACH time you make a post - Automatically! |
| What's a "blogroll" and how can it attract targeted visitors from other's blogs to your blog. |
| The 1 plug-in that will allow you to get your blog on people's Yahoo and Google Home pages! |
| Exactly how to know how many readers are "subscribed" to your blog... |
| The FREE service you can use to help make it easier for others to follow your blog in multiple ways. |
Week 6
Listen in as I summarize the 6 weeks and put it all together for you. I'm going to monitor the blog posts and answer any questions that seem to be coming up over and over.
More specifically, I'm going to also cover these general topics:
| Developing blogging into an actual BUSINESS model |
| How to run and manage multiple niche blogs... |
| The importance of RSS syndication and why you need to focus on that! |
| More important information to help you stay on top of the one strategy I uses to get traffic the day I launched. |
Monday, September 18, 2006
The Lenovo X60 is still an IBM at heart.

The old adage rings true once more , and this time it's in the form of the Thinkpad x60 - Lenovo's [formerly IBM] latest entry into the ultra portable laptop market. The branding still reads IBM , but what's more important is that it's still a Thinkpad at heart - clearly an "if it aint broke , dont fix it " approach at work here.
What's really going for the X60 isn't just the slim profile [10.5" X 8.3" X 1.39"] and light weight [1.2 kg] -crucial features nonethless for frequent buyers -but the fact that Lenovo has somehow packed in a solid , workhorse T2400(1.83 GHz) Centrino Duo processor into the X60 , making it one of the lightest notebooks to incorporate dual-core (two processors on one chip) technology. The result is a surprisingly and refreshingly puppy notebook-never thought i'd be saying this about an ultra portable - that manages to handle antivirus scans running on one processor without degrading overall system experience. The Centrino Duo also allows for longer
periods without a recharge -as long as five hours with the internal four cell battery.
Being a thinkpad the X60 retains some old faithful features- the Thinkvintage productivity center for managing your pc [wireless connections . backups and support] , the integrated fingerprint reader for managing your passwords , the active Protection system which detects drops and switches off the 60GB 5400 rpm hard disk or even the keyboard-roomy and very comfortable , especially for a laptop this size. Then again being a Thinkpad , the X60 is fated with a black and somewhat bland chassis and very plane looks.
On the connectivity front , the X60 has the basic in place - 802.11 a/b/g wireless , gigabit ethernet , infrared and for old-timers , a 56k modem -Bluetooth isn't supported though.
The 12.1 inch display offers a maximum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and the inclusion of the Intel 950 integreted graphics card and a tinny , 0.5W internal speaker suitable only for the most basic Windows sounds reasserts the fact that the X60 is not meant to be a multimedia machine , and is strictly a business machine.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Free Google Adwords Credit For Australia, France, Sweden, Italy, Japan, United States of America , Singapore
- Free $50 dollar Google Adwords voucher (Australia)
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- Free $25 Google Adwords voucher (Singapore)
- Free Unspecified amount $US of Google Adwords vouchers from iTunes/Google (United States)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Google Advanced Search Technique.
In addition to providing easy access to billions of web pages, Google has many special features to help you to find exactly what you're looking for. Click the title of a specific feature to learn more about it.
• Book Search | Use Google to search the full text of books. | |
• Cached Links | View a snapshot of each page as it looked when we indexed it. | |
• Calculator | Use Google to evaluate mathematical expressions. | |
• Currency Conversion | Easily perform any currency conversion. | |
• Definitions | Use Google to get glossary definitions gathered from various online sources. | |
• File Types | Search for non-HTML file formats including PDF documents and others. | |
• Froogle | To find a product for sale online, use Froogle - Google's product search service. | |
• Groups | See relevant postings from Google Groups in your regular web search results. | |
• I'm Feeling Lucky | Bypass our results and go to the first web page returned for your query. | |
• Images | See relevant images in your regular web search results. | |
• Local Search | Search for local businesses and services in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada. | |
• Movies | Use Google to find reviews and showtimes for movies playing near you. | |
• Music Search | Use Google to get quick access to a wide range of music information. | |
• News Headlines | Enhances your search results with the latest related news stories. | |
• PhoneBook | Look up U.S. street address and phone number information. | |
• Q&A | Use Google to get quick answers to straightforward questions. | |
• Refine Your Search - New! | Add instant info and topic-specific links to your search in order to focus and improve your results. | |
• Results Prefetching | Makes searching in Firefox faster. | |
• Search By Number | Use Google to access package tracking information, US patents, and a variety of online databases. | |
• Similar Pages | Display pages that are related to a particular result. | |
• Site Search | Restrict your search to a specific site. | |
• Spell Checker | Offers alternative spelling for queries. | |
• Stock Quotes | Use Google to get live stock quotes and information. | |
• Street Maps | Use Google to find U.S. street maps. | |
• Travel Information | Check the status of an airline flight in the U.S. or view airport delays and weather conditions. | |
• Weather | Check the current weather conditions and forecast for any location in the U.S. | |
• Web Page Translation | Provides you access to web pages in other languages. | |
• Who Links To You? | Find pages that point to a specific URL. |
Book Search |
![]() | Google is helping to get the world's information online by bringing books themselves online. Whenever books in our Google Book Search index contain content that matches your search terms, you'll see links to those books under Book Results at the top of your search results page. Click on any book title and you'll see the page in that book which contains your search terms, as well as other information about the title. Click one of the links under "Buy this Book" and you'll go straight to a bookstore selling that book online. |
example: |
Cached Links |
Google takes a snapshot of each page examined as it crawls the web and caches these as a back-up in case the original page is unavailable. If you click on the "Cached" link, you will see the web page as it looked when we indexed it. The cached content is the content Google uses to judge whether this page is a relevant match for your query.
When the cached page is displayed, it will have a header at the top which serves as a reminder that this is not necessarily the most recent version of the page. Terms that match your query are highlighted on the cached version to make it easier for you to see why your page is relevant.
The "Cached" link will be missing for sites that have not been indexed, as well as for sites whose owners have requested we not cache their content.
Google |
Calculator |
![]() | To use Google's built-in calculator function, simply enter the calculation you'd like done into the search box and hit the Enter key or click on the Google Search button. The calculator can solve math problems involving basic arithmetic, more complicated math, units of measure and conversions, and physical constants. Try one of the sample expressions below, or refer to our complete instructions for help in building your own. |
These sample queries demonstrate the utility and power of this new feature:
example: |
Currency Conversion |
To use our built-in currency converter, simply enter the conversion you'd like done into the Google search box and hit "Enter" or click the Google Search button
Here are some sample queries:
- 3.5 USD in GBP
- currency of Brazil in Malaysian money
- 5 British pounds in South Korean money
- 2.2 USD per gallon in INR per litre
example: |
Definitions |
To see a definition for a word or phrase, simply type the word "define," then a space, and then the word(s) you want defined. If Google has seen a definition for the word or phrase on the Web, it will retrieve that information and display it at the top of your search results.
example: |
File Types |
Google has expanded the number of non-HTML file types searched to 12 file formats. In addition to PDF documents, Google now searches Microsoft Office, PostScript, Corel WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, and others. The new file types will simply appear in Google search results whenever they are relevant to the user query.
Google also offers the user the ability to "View as HTML", allowing users to examine the contents of these file formats even if the corresponding application is not installed. The "View as HTML" option also allows users to avoid viruses which are sometimes carried in certain file formats.
Overall, the additional file types provide Google users a wider view of the content available on the World Wide Web. And Google has plans to keep expanding the range of file types available over time.
For more information about this feature, please read the file type FAQ.
» [PDF] « The Anatomy of a Search Engine |
If you prefer to see a particular set of results with a specific file type (for example, PDF links), simply type filetype:[extension] (for example, filetype:pdf) within the search box along with your search term(s).
example: |